Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Hedley's Give a Home To Fleetwood

Holly Hedley contacted Theresa Manzella about Fleetwood - following are the photos she sent and what she wrote about adopting Fleetwood - who now has a wonderful forever home with the Hedley family.

Hi Theresa, this is our Double C Ranch. We have four horses...Hogan and Rango--our very large pussycats. Then there are Gideon (the palomino) and Fudgy (the special needs horse from the Camas Prairie rescue).
We have three separate fenced pastures. Two are large side-by-side rectangles and the other is a large adjoining square. Those pastures are all pretty green grass, and we rotate them.
Then there are three separate fenced corrals--one is medium sized and grassy. Another is a medium square walk-through. And the third is our hippotherapy corral with tie offs and mounting platform.
We are off Hwy 200 in NW Montana (Sanders County) and it is quiet, other than kids playing. Speaking of which, we have our twin 8 year olds, which do the hippotherapy. And two boys that will be seniors in high school next year, who do not ride at all. All four are present around the horses. They like them, and willingly do feeding and cleaning.
I am fully involved with the community, serving as School Board Trustee, and spending much of my day at school; either assisting or troubleshooting issues with our special needs sons, or addressing administrative issues in an official capacity. I deliver Meals of Wheels on Mondays and coach our Special Olympics track and field team. In the summer I take on full-time teacher role to continue our son's therapies (speech, occupational, and hippotherapy) in the classroom we have at home.
My horses are my therapy and theirs. I love to brush, lead, and talk to them. I do not ride much because it is difficult to be in a position away from assisting the children for any length of time. I find brushing and leading to be things THEY can join me in. And it's teaching them how to care for others. The brush strokes are good for their physical therapy. Multiple benefits.I'll attach some photos of our ranch that I took today, along with some human photos taken previously. Enjoy!
Thank you to the Hedley family for sharing your loving home with Fleetwood.

Friday, May 15, 2009

May Meeting and Weed Info

Hey Willing Servants!

We had a great meeting last night with some new faces present and a lot of good ideas generated! Thank You to all who came!

We also had a really comprehensive presentation made my Melissa Maggio of the Ravalli County Weed District on Toxic Weeds to horses. IT WAS REALLY GOOD and I learned a lot! It seems there are a lot of nasty weeds in our valley masquerading as pretty wild flowers that threaten the health of our horses! THAT’S IT! The pretty wildflowers HAVE To GO! Be sure to read her notes at the very bottom. That’s where you’ll find the serious symptoms and effects listed. Yeiks!

To see or save Toxic Weed presentation as Power Point (save) or PDF (view) click here and look under the ARTICLES section.

Have you hugged your horse today? I’m headed there now!
Theresa Manzella

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The FashionABLE Affaire!

Our heartfelt thanks to Crazy Horse Consignments for working so hard and long to put on this amazing event. It was beautifully put together and a great time. The cowboy auction (yessiree, there were handsome cowboys auctioned off!) was such fun and some lucky high bidding ladies will enjoy the trail ride, ranch labor or custom tack provided by these gentlemen! The door prizes were awesome and the vendors had some really beautiful items. We were so lucky to have Shane Clouse, a really well-known and talented musician, provide such enjoyable entertainment.

The Western Fashion Show was wonderful - the models young and old, male and female, did such a great job (although no doubt that the little ones were the most adorable) and the clothing was spectacular - from show clothes to carharts!

For those of us who came hungry there were delicious snacks - cheeses, dips, veggies, garlic toasted baguette, cake, cookies, chocolate dipped strawberries, wine ...
Jeff and Virginia Hudson were there to man the Willing Servants booth and Theresa gave an overview presentation to the audience about Willing Servants.

Here are a few photos from the day - we hope a good time was had by all.